
SIXTH SESSION (Beyond to communicative approach)

Beyond communicative approach In this session, my group had the opportunity to develop the class, in our activities we did that students could participate as much as possible. either by asking for something related to the unit or giving the opinion about the unit as well . the most important in our class it was to perform activities that involved listening and speaking. as teacher, it should be our major priority to learn how give a class by implementing activities with these important two skills. The pamphlet that this session had was about the methods that have been developed through these last years in order to have a good undertanding at the end of the class. We know many of these methods as Comunicative language learning, grammar traslation, suggestopidia atc. There are some methods that have been result of other. I think that teachers can not focus on an specific method, they should work with all of them for getting better result. when a teacher wants to teach grammar ...

FIFTH SESSION (Strategies for oral expression)

STRATEGIES FOR ORAL EXPRESSION In this session, some classmates developed a class in which both listening and speaking was exposed to the class. they tried that most of the students could participate in each activities that they did. I think that the most important thing in an English class is that students can speak more than the teacher. Students have to show what they already know and they have to believe if they practice more often in class, the outcomes will be better so teachers are just the guide for developing the 4 macro skill. Speaking is the skill to develop many areas as it is the fluency, pronunciation, and intonation. so we understand that this skill show how we are in those aspect that's why teachers have the obligation to perform activities that students can develop this skill. for example: activities in peers, presentations, interviews and so on.  Functions of speaking Talk as interactions : it means "conversation" when people share greeti...


Chapter 3 In this module we are going to do the hypothesis of our research, so we have to know what this term really means in order to get the right result of what we want to prove. A hypothesis is a tentative, testable aswer to a scientific question, once a scientific has a scientific question, it is interested in, as  researchers, we have to find out what is already known on the topic. Then we use that information to form a tentative answer to the question. Sometimes people refer to the tentative answer as "an educated guess." Keep in mind, though, that the hypothesis also has to be tentable since the next step is to determine whether or not the hypothesis is right. The most commom form of hypothesis are: Simple hypothesis Complex hypothesis Emperical hypothesis Logical hypothesis  Alternative hypothesis. Then to do the hypothesis we have to do the variables that they are getting of the hypothesis, but what is a variable? a variable is something that ...


CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY FRAMEWORK  In this session we focused on research design and the type of research that our topic is going to based on.  But first we have to know what these concepts really mean in order to select one for our reseach by which is up to what we want to find. Research Design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure.     Research Design: Experimental: It deals with determining cause and effect relationship. It is typically in form of experiment. in causal research design, attempt is made to measure impact of manipulation on independent variables with dependent variables. No experimental: no control of variables, it studies the phenomenon at a certain time. Survey: It describes the opinions, ideas and belief of a certain topic by using a questionnaire that is the appropiate inst...

SECOND SESSION (Expectations)

Expectations about this class. I know that this class is so fundamental for our carreer as teachers, we have to be prepared for each level of English teaching, so it is a requirement for us to be efficient by working with kids, youngs, and adults that's why we need to know the right methodology and methods to use for developing a good class, I hope to know the right strategies of how to implement the 4 macro skills, and how to do a class that catch the attetion in the students for they can get the knowledge without any problem.  Teaching listening and speaking  Listening: is receiving language through the ears. Listening involves identifying the sounds of speech and processing them into words and sentences. It is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information. Speaking: is the art to produce the language. This skill heps us to express what we already know in the language. It is an in...

FIRST SESSION "Teaching listening"

TEACHING LISTENING Listening as comprehension is the traditional way of thinking about the nature of listening. indeed, in most methodology manuals listening and listening comprehension are synonymous. this view of listening is based on the assumption that the main function of listening. In second language learning is to facilitate understanding of spoken discourse. Some activities to develop the listening skill as well as the speaking skill in the class are: 1.Dual dictation: in pairs students should be able to write a dialogue about a specific topic, student A speaks and the student B writes down what they are going to say, and vice versa. in this activity both skill is develop listening and writing. 2. Group story telling: teachers have to divide the class in group, in each group should be a leader in which will tell a short story. then each students will share their points of view about the story- 3. Listen for the hidden phrase: students have to find out the right w...


SESSION VI This class was divided in two parts like others class. First we have had the presentations and then we have finished with the teachers' class.  In this time, my group presented the reseach to the class, our topic research is:  How does violence in El Salvador affect teachers from the school of languages regarding classroom management at Universidad Tecnologica de El Salvador?  We focus on the reality that the educational setting is facing in our society, as we already know there are many cases where teachers have had troubles with their students, and they haven't act as it should be, Teachers should know how to deal with the possible situation that can be presented of violence in their class, We have seen many case by which teachers are victims of their own students for several reason, that's why we believe that is important that our classmate know how to act if in any time they can find in a similar situation.  Second presentation: ...