Resultado de imagen para types of research
In this session we focused on research design and the type of research that our topic is going to based on.  But first we have to know what these concepts really mean in order to select one for our reseach by which is up to what we want to find.

Research Design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure.

Imagen relacionada
    Research Design:
  • Experimental: It deals with determining cause and effect relationship. It is typically in form of experiment. in causal research design, attempt is made to measure impact of manipulation on independent variables with dependent variables.
  • No experimental: no control of variables, it studies the phenomenon at a certain time.
  • Survey: It describes the opinions, ideas and belief of a certain topic by using a questionnaire that is the appropiate instrument to get the information
  • Correlational: It refers to the systematic investigation or statistical study of relationship among two or more variables, without necessarily determinig cause and effect.
  • Etnographic: It refers to the investigation of a culture through an in-depthstudy of the members of the culture; it involves the systematic collection, description, and analysis of data for development of theories of cultural behavior.
  • Narrative: Write stories that are related on the research.
  • Grounded theory: It is a research approach designed to discover what problem exits in a given social enviroment and how people involved handle them; It involves formulation, testing and formulation of prepositions until a theory is developed.
          Types of Reseach 
  • Exploratory study: explore the problem.
  • Descriptive studies: Describle the problem through the hypotesis 
  • Cause and effects of studies: variables can influence the other one.
  • Prediction: the variables can be predicted.

Population and sample

Resultado de imagen para population and sample


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Session 5

FIRST SESSION "Teaching listening"