Session 6


This class was about the methods for teaching English language, four groups presented each method in a practical and dinamic way as it was the last week. 

1. Five E'
2. Lexical approach
3. Task based intruction (TBI)
4. Content based intruction (CBI)


Each of the 5 E's describes a phase of learning, and each phase begins with the letter "E": Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate. The 5 E's allows students and teachers to experience common activities, to use and build on prior knowledge and experience, to construct meaning, and to continually assess their understanding of a concept.

Engage: These lessons mentally engage the students with an event or question. for example showing interest in the topic by asking a certain thing that relates with the central topic.

Explore: Students work with one another ideas through hands on activities. Under the guidance of the teacher.

Explain: Students explain their undertanding of the concep and processes they are learning. Teachers introduce new concepts and skills.

Elaborate: These lessons challenges students to apply what they have learned and build on the studnets' undertanding of concepts to extend their knowledge and skills.

Evaluate: Students assess their own knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Resultado de imagen para Five e

Lexical approach:

In language teaching, a set of priinciples based on the observation that an understanding of words and word combinations (chunks) is the primary method of learning a language.

there is a distinction between vocabulary, tradiitionally thought to be constituted of single items, and lexis which includes not only the single words but also the word combinations that we store in our mental lexicons.

Resultado de imagen para lexical approach 

Task based intruction (TBI)

It is an approach that makes the teaching learning process totally different from the other methodologies.

Lessoons are contructed according to the language required to perform specific tasks rather than according to the aspects of language such as structures and vocabulary. it can be described as a language course with activities that are based to complete specific tasks. Following this description we can say that TBI shows more emphasis to these specific tasks in which the learning process will be developed while achieving the activity.

IResultado de imagen para task based instruction

Content Based Intruction:

Content-Based Intruction is an approach to language teaching that focuses not on the Content itself, but rather on what is being taught through the  language; that is, the language becomes the medium through which something new is learned. in the CBI approach the students learns the TL by using it to learn some other new content. For example by studying the French Revolution while using the Freach language. in other words, the language being learned 

Resultado de imagen para context based instruction


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Session 5

FIRST SESSION "Teaching listening"