Resultado de imagen para hypothesis

Chapter 3

In this module we are going to do the hypothesis of our research, so we have to know what this term really means in order to get the right result of what we want to prove.

A hypothesis is a tentative, testable aswer to a scientific question, once a scientific has a scientific question, it is interested in, as  researchers, we have to find out what is already known on the topic. Then we use that information to form a tentative answer to the question. Sometimes people refer to the tentative answer as "an educated guess." Keep in mind, though, that the hypothesis also has to be tentable since the next step is to determine whether or not the hypothesis is right.

The most commom form of hypothesis are:
Simple hypothesis
Complex hypothesis
Emperical hypothesis
Logical hypothesis 
Alternative hypothesis.

Then to do the hypothesis we have to do the variables that they are getting of the hypothesis, but what is a variable? a variable is something that can change, such as "gender" and are typically the focus of a study.

Resultado de imagen para variables of a research

The independent variable: is the cause. It is manipulated by the resercher. 
The dependent variable: is the effect. It is one which change as a result of the independent variable being changed.
The intervening variable: links the variables and propose another cause or effect of the independent variable.

In our research, our hypothesis were getting of our topic in somehow that could answer the question of our investigation, So they were posible answer of the effect of social  violence in education, As we already know that the hypothesis are statement that we are not sure if they are correct or not. That's why our hypothesis and variables just are possible answer to our research,


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