This class was
divided in two parts like others class. First we have had the presentations and
then we have finished with the teachers' class.
In this time,
my group presented the reseach to the class, our topic research is: How
does violence in El Salvador affect teachers from the school of languages
regarding classroom management at Universidad Tecnologica de El Salvador?
We focus on the
reality that the educational setting is facing in our society, as we already
know there are many cases where teachers have had troubles with their students,
and they haven't act as it should be, Teachers should know how to deal with the
possible situation that can be presented of violence in their class, We have
seen many case by which teachers are victims of their own students for several
reason, that's why we believe that is important that our classmate know how to
act if in any time they can find in a similar situation.
presentation: Teaching practice
Teachers have
to give the best in order to students can reach the goals of the topics, in the
hands of the teacher is the learning process of the students so he should give
the class in an effective by using the rights methods and procedures for
students, he needs to prepare the class, as well as how to give each
content for students can practice their knoledge in target language.
When a teacher
begins a new unit of stuudy or project with students, she/he clarifies the
purpose and learning goals, and provides explicit criteria on how students can
be successful. It's deal to also present models or examples to students so they
can see what the end product looks like.
Teachers need
to frequently step offstage and facilitate entire class discussion. This allows
students to learn from each other. It's also a grear opportunity for teachers
to formatively assess (through observation) how well students are grasping new
content and concepts.

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