SIXTH SESSION (Beyond to communicative approach)
Beyond communicative approach

In this session, my group had the opportunity to develop the class, in our activities we did that students could participate as much as possible. either by asking for something related to the unit or giving the opinion about the unit as well . the most important in our class it was to perform activities that involved listening and speaking. as teacher, it should be our major priority to learn how give a class by implementing activities with these important two skills.
The pamphlet that this session had was about the methods that have been developed through these last years in order to have a good undertanding at the end of the class. We know many of these methods as Comunicative language learning, grammar traslation, suggestopidia atc. There are some methods that have been result of other. I think that teachers can not focus on an specific method, they should work with all of them for getting better result. when a teacher wants to teach grammar it would be good that he can teach based on grammar traslation. So as teachers should know what methods use, and the most important in what topics to develop.

One of the suggestion that this pamphlet said is the TBI (task based instruction) allows to be proactive with the students to the time to give the class, This method is considered for the future teaching because it works through of a structure.
In Conclusion: in the teacher's hands is the learning process of the students, so it is important that the teacher prepare a good class and have an effective lesson plan for each unit for they can get the objectives of the class. Students need teachers who are able to give the best for each activity ro develop and if there's something to correct in the class, the teacher must be capable to do it.

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