In this session, we saw two groups who explained their research, and then the teacher gave an explanation about Joe Rhul's Methodology.

1. The Effects of physical environmet in the classroom on basic English Students.

they explained the importance to have a good enviroment around the students by encouraging them to study every topic already seem, They said that the classroom have to be in a good condition that allow to enjoy the learning, because if the students are in a good condition, encouraged by their teacher and have an interactive class among their classmates, the learning will have outcomes wished.

  • The Physical stucture of a classroom is a critical variable in affecting student morale and learning.
  • Students' involvement in the process of creating their enviroment can empower them. develop community and increase motivation.
Physical classroom enviroment is a combination of different things like: lighting, temperature, ventilation system, size of the room, floor, walls, desks, chairs, rugs, whitheboards, computers atc. Teachers and students are considered the main elemnts of the classroom enviroment. Favorable physical enviroment has a significant positive effect on the efficiency of any organization and acts as catalyzing agent to provide a straight way for achieving predetermined objectives of an organization. but unfortunately, physical enviroment in our classroom is not conductive for smooth teaching learning process resulting fatigue and frustration among the students.

Imagen relacionada

2. Learning effects of class size in an EFL setting. a study with University students of English Major at Universidad Tecnologica de El Salvador, year 2017 

They focus the reseach on the size of the classroom in an EFL setting, because we know if the class is small is better than a large class where the teachers can not have an interaction with all students, For learning a second language is a need that the teacher have few students in oder to check out each taks of every students for they can reach the objectives of the curriculum. 

The effect of class size teaching and learning English as a foreign language has been through a contentious debate among researchers for a long time. Before the 1950's the concern about the effect of class size and the learning outcomes of students in such classes waned for some time. yet, researchers have considered the case once again an up to now it is a field of investigation. therefore, through reviewing the existing literature on this area and examples culled from the teachers' experience, the aim of the present studyare twofold: 1. to ascertain the impact of large classes on the teaching and learningoutcomes, and 2. to suggest appropiate strategies where teachers can utilize in their large classes to facilitate English teaching and learning.  
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Joe Rhul’s Methodology


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Session 5

FIRST SESSION "Teaching listening"