Presentations/Deriving topics from objectives/ Task analysis part II
first, our classmate were able to present their reseach topics by letting us to know the objectives that they pretent to reach regarding to the chosen investigation.
The group number 3 presented What are the effects of using a virtual classroom in a regular face to face English class?
Virtual classroom is a simulated classroom via internet, which provides a convenient communication environment for distance learners just like traditional face to face classroom. A virtual classroom allows learners to attend a class from anywhere in the world and aims to provide a learning experience that is similar to a real classroom. A virtual classroom enables to bring learners from around the world together online in highly interactive virtual classes while greatly reducing the travel, time, and expense of on site teaching/training programs.
In a traditional classroom, professor, astudents and fellow learners are present, similarly, the same set of participants are present in a virtual classroom. They can talk with each other alike the traditional classroom via chat. Simlarly presenter uses whiteboard, gives notes/resources presentations as given in a traditional one.
- One to one communication: In a virtual classroom enviroment, learners can talk to the teacher and to each other, and although this communication is not as rich in a traditional classroom. it still can help learners. since it is one to one.
- Anywhere learning: a virtual classroom allows learners and teachers to attend a single live training session from any place in the world, provided they have a computer and internet connection.
- Students need to know the basic knowledge to use the computer.
- Internet avalaible in each class.
The second group presented: The lack of confidence in the speaking language a study with students of the English major from Universidad Tecnológica.
This research is based on some students that have problems when speaking in target language, it can say for many variables one of the main that they gives are the lack of confidence that many students have with their learning process, probably they don't feel capable to express their ideas for lacking of vocabulary, or grammar as well. I think it is a good topic to do a reseach about that because many of us have gone through a similar situation, in my case I have had the ideas for speaking but at the same time i don't know how to express them. Confidence is very important for anyone who is learning a second language by being proactive regarding to own learning,
Deriving topics from objectives
for having a good research, the first step to do is:
- To define the reseach question regarding to the topic to investigate.
- Then it needs to set up the objectives to reach,
- And the next step, we've got to select the subtopics that allow us to open the way to our investigation.
Example of a task analyis:

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