My reflection ( Session 2)

What is competency base instruction in EFL?

it is to teach about the need of the students in the target language. it is not that students learn vocabulary, verbs, or grammar rules, it is more meaningful of that where the students can organize all the things that they know into real context. therefore, the teachers need to do a good lesson plan in order that the students can develop their knowledge in real situation by using the target language.

What are the effects of using a virtual classroom in a regular face to face English classes? 

Resultado de imagen para online courseI think that to use a virtual classroom either for students and teachers are more productive in learning.  it  means that students become more proactive in their learning process by looking for exercises that may be profit for the topic already seen, or searching reading that help to their vocabualry and grammar as well. teachers can give them feedback through virtual classroom such as putting a video for they can write about the main point of the video. So, the teacher realize if the students have learned the topics or not. 
working in virtual classroom has many advantages that can be useful for the learning process: 

1. Increased Convenience: Students are free to choose the time and location that suit them for receiving the classes.
2. Knowledge Retention: Online plataform allows to access to the contents the times that the students want by having the oportunity to interact with the modules, and to access to online textbook, multimedia tools, and knowledge checks that can be repeated until the concept is mastered. these repetitive learning tools help to students retain the information in an effective way.
3.Increased Participation and Engagement: I consider that online correspondence is faster and more helpful than face to face conversation with the peers and instructors.
4. Immediate Feedback: it easier to read and review comments on assignments as they become avalaible instead of waiting days to get a score of a cetain activity or exam.

by talking about online classes is so important to mention the blended learning method because since this method is an education program (formal or informal) that combines online digital media with traditional methods. Students need to attent to the class but at the same time, they practice with computer activities regarding contents. 


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Session 5

FIRST SESSION "Teaching listening"