The competency based education approach allows students to advance based on their abilities to master skill or competency at their own pace regardless of enviroment. this method is tailored to meet different learning abilities and can  lead to more efficient student outcomes.
Why a competency- based educational approach? 
because this approach is based on what the students need to get at the end of their profesional career, so the person shows the skills that they have or learned through of the experience of study.that's why it is important to involve to the students to know of how acting when they have to face to the real world for showing the knowledge already acquired. 
the person not only  need to know what he is going to do in his work if not knowing to get along with his collegues for he reflect a good social competency. 

What is a competency?
A competency is the capability to apply or use a set of related knowledge, skills and abilities required to sucessfully performa tasks in a defined work setting. in other words the person shows the level required of knowledge and abilities in a certain field of what he has studied. 

What are the components of a competency?
Contents: they are so fundamental for the learning process because they are what they are going to learn. it means the topics to see.
,Methodology: it is the sequency and how to develop the contents in the class where the teacher is the guide "advisor" and the students are the protagonist "learners"
Evaluation:   it shows the level aquired of  knowledge of the students throght differents instruments of portfolio, reseach, project or exams.

Resultado de imagen para competence elements

Resultado de imagen para competency based education

Competency's Elements

Knowledge: Conceptual Contents
Kow how: Procedural Contents
Know how to be and live together: Attitudinal Contents
For what: Objectives

Knowledge: refers to facts, topics, schemes and all the contents for learning

Know how: it is means the abilities that students have for learning
Know how to be and live together: it is the attitude or attitude behavior in solving a certain task un the study.
For what: it is the objectives that should be reached in the curriculum.  

The benefits of this competency-based approach have been recognized by policy makers and influencers in higher education. The Center for American Progress recently released a white paper that found, “Competency-based education could be the key to providing quality postsecondary education to millions of Americans at lower cost.” In a speech last fall, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan referred to Western Governors University’s competency-based degree programs, saying, “While such programs are now the exception, I want them to be the norm.


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Session 5

FIRST SESSION "Teaching listening"